About the Directory

 How to use the Directory

The Directory of Indian Medical Sites helps you locate websites of Indian Medical entities (organizations, individuals, journals and more). You can search for a specific entity or a set of entities. You can also browse to see what websites are listed for a specific group. What is very special about the Directory is that we have assigned keywords (tags) to most sites in the Directory (and we are working on the rest of the sites). How does this help?  You will retrieve sites of various types for a keyword. Eg – If you want information on Diabetes, you will get Hospitals, Doctors, Magazines, NGOs, Clinics etc – all dealing with Diabetes, even if the word Diabetes is not present in the title of the website.

Simple searches:

Just below the Menu Bar, you have a Search Box which says “Enter any word or phrase”. You could enter a word like “Asthma” or a phrase like “Madras Medical College”  (Do not include quotes) and search.

You cannot search for “hospitals in Mumbai” or “guidelines about asthma” in this box. For such searches, we have combinations from the drop-down menus in the Advanced Search

Keyword Searches

Under “Advanced Search” look for a Search box which has “Keywords” just above it. In this box, type a word or a phrase and click Search or press Enter. You will find different types of websites about your search term. For every website you will see the list of keywords too. (You can click any of those keywords to find sites about those keywords).

For example, type Dentistry and click Search. You will get websites of Journals, Hospitals, Clinics, Conferences and more, about Dentistry.

How does the  Simple Search and Keyword Search differ?

The Simple Search – finds your words in any part of a record (Site name, city, category, state, keywords). For example, in this Search Box, search for “blood bank” (without quotes). You will find the sites of blood banks – either those in hospitals or independent blood banks, sites of companies that make equipment for blood banks, and even an organization dealing with cord blood banking.

In the keywords search box, search for “blood banks” (without quotes) and you will find only blood banks, not equipment makers, conferences, etc. This search, looks for your search term ONLY in the keyword list.

Combination searches

Choose any combinations (eg Category – Hospitals and City – Mumbai) and click Search

You can also type in a Keyword like Asthma and choose a Category like “Clinics and Polyclinics” to search


– Choose any category from the Category drop down menu
– Click “Search” to see all websites for that category
– If you wish to view the full list of categories, click “View All Categories” below the Search Button

What you can do after searching, in the Results pages (You will need to create an account for this)

– Create a favorite list of sites, by clicking “Add to Favorites”.
– View all your sites, by clicking “My Favorites”
– Save your search
– View saved searches

Happy Browsing and Searching!


– The Directory does not have keywords for every site as yet. It may also have some errors.  It has been built by a sheer labor of love. We seek the assistance of every user to improve the Directory! If you spot errors, please write to us at info [at] qmedkf [dot] org [dot] in


About the Directory of Indian Medical Sites

The Directory aims to be the most authentic and updated resource for locating any Indian medical / health related entity that has a website. At QMed Knowledge Foundation we work tirelessly at adding Indian medical websites from various sources like newspapers, journals, magazines, advertisements and of course people submitting sites to us. We also classify the sites under specific categories and add parameters for filtered searching, in order to make it very easy for a visitor to find information instantly.

From fun to a major project : Our Directory was started in fun within the organization in 1999 (the dotcom era), and it was a part of our organization’s website. Over the years the Directory was steadily updated. In 2007, we felt that there was a potential to create something unique and and planned to enhance the entire offering. We moved the directory to its “new home”, www.indianmedicalsites.in – in January 2008.

In 2012, we again felt that it was time for a revamp with newer technological features incorporated and here we are with the new Avtaar, released in Jan 2013. We’d like to thank the team from “The Mango Media“, Chennai for helping us create this.

What is special about the Directory of Indian Medical Sites?

Every website in this directory is assigned standard keywords that describe the organization. This helps a person search and find an entity with lots more ease!

Future plans:

It is our dream to assign as many relevant keywords for every site that we include, so that people have a great search experience. We with to set up a volunteer group that will ensure that the directory grows in both quantity as well as quality.


This is a Directory of medical “websites” only and does not aim to be a listing of individuals or entities. In other words you can only find websites of institutions and / or individuals, and we have not attempted to create a listing of medical entities.

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